What impact will the new Trump administration have on the global financial services
industry? This is the pivotal question our clients are asking today. The answer has the
potential to reinforce, accelerate, or disrupt the trends that have shaped the industry since
the global financial crisis.
The challenge in forming a view on the changes to come is the wide range of possible outcomes on
multiple fronts across the industry. Will capital requirements for US banks be eased? Will
regulators be forced to follow the US lead? Will these changes influence market structure and
slow the
advance of alternative liquidity providers, private credit, and other non-bank competitors?
Where do
crypto players fit into the evolving landscape? What if something goes wrong?
it is
impossible to predict every possible outcome or create a unifying theory for the future of
services, we have leveraged our discussions with leaders and thinkers across the industry to
the “known unknowns” that will be most consequential for the next four years. We’ve framed these
debates that we can explore together.
The debates that will matter, and the debates
will evolve with time. That’s why we have designed this to be a dynamic guide, updated regularly
additional debates and new perspectives based on the latest analysis available.
Oliver Wyman
is passionate about helping our clients thrive in uncertain environments. The foundation for
success is a clear-eyed view of what may come. So, let’s dive in.
Anders NemethManaging Partner, Banking and Financial Services